Have your say – NSW Marine Estate Threat and Risk Assessment

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From the NSW Department of Primary Industries:

The Marine Estate Management Authority has released the draft Threat and Risk Assessment Report for the NSW marine estate. The draft statewide threat and risk assessment (draft statewide TARA) identifies, assesses and prioritises the threats to the social, economic and environmental benefits we, the NSW community, derive from the marine estate.

Stakeholder and community engagement has commenced with the release of the draft statewide TARA report, background reports and supporting material, including three informative videos on the marine estate website.

We have listened to your feedback on ways to improve engagement and have developed an interactive tool to assist you to navigate, interrogate and provide feedback on the findings of the draft statewide TARA. The interactive tool will be used to gather additional evidence from stakeholders to inform the final statewide TARA. Submissions through the tool can be made until 31 March 2017.

The statewide TARA will be used to inform the development of management initiatives to address priority threats at varying scales, including local, regional and statewide via the NSW Marine Estate Management Strategy (as required by the Marine Estate Management Act 2014), and new management plans for marine parks.

An updated marine estate Schedule of works has also been released and identifies priority areas of work, including the Statewide TARA.
